Monday, December 19, 2011

a bad habbit of mine

i think it's my third "Night posting".  so at the morning it goes boring as usual. hoho. but goes fun bcs i hv  my primagama bimbel. i meet michy. yea so you know what's going on. crazy-ing.. hahaaa. but that's us. there's also a part which make me.....not angry actually, upset perhaps. not upset. well idk how to say it.-. some of the boys, lets say J and K as their initial letter, were making a news at Broadcast Massanger which spread my secret also michelle's and beatrix's. simple sentence for them. why they gotta be so mean?! what i knw the secret they spread it's not a really really secret why, bcs............. most of the people have known it. but the worse case is, they spread it to teachers too. -_- actually, i just need to take it easy but i can't. that's a freakin bad habbit of mine. i can't take easy of something, which isn't a big problem. well, that is me, but i need to change.
ya know it's just a very simple little thing, but i turn it into a huge problem, even i don't supposed to.  ngahhhhh i want to change. but srsly, even  now my classroom teacher know abt my seceret bcs of J & K. well K just spread beatrix's secret, but it's the same. they work together.-. guys, i really am sorry..........if i make this problem bigger. i know it's a very simple little thing, that i make it bigger. i hope i wouldn't repeat it, and i'll take everything easy~~~ but thanks to K & J bcs i learned something today ;)
see yapp.
{}, c

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